Ask Boudreaux

Dear Boudreaux,

   A friend and I were trying to figure out, how much gravy do you put in a cup of rice? Well, how much do you put?

Boudreaux   Well, the way I do it is– one cup of gravy to one cup of rice. If that’s too much gravy for you, you can either eat it like a gumbo or put a little more rice. If that’s too much rice, you can add a little more gravy. If that’s too much gravy, you can add a little more rice. If that’s too much rice, just add a little more gravy. Aw… hell, if you have a lot of gravy in the pot, just eat it like a gumbo. That’ll stick to your ribs.

Dear Boudreaux,
My wife wants a divorce. She says I hunt and fish to much. I don’t understand because that’s what I do for a living. Sometime I stop for a beer on the way home, but I always bring her one. How can I convince her we have a good living?

Mais Cher, how can you call that a good living when you only bring her one beer? What would be wrong with bringing her a six-pack or even a case once in a while? Boy, you got a lot to learn about women.